Journal Entry June 2018
When given an invitation to the auto show today, I had to say yes. I wonder if anbyody famous is going to be there? Probably. It’s still a surprise every now and then to bump shoulders with movie stars, though I should be used to it by now. A lot of them don’t seem to know much about cars, though. They always gawk at the ugliest models, or at least the boring ones. I’m so excited to see what vintage models they’re going to have this time round. I’ve been saving up for a new custom, something I can take out to the countryside and flaunt. Nothing too busy, nothing too crazy though; I still need some practicality with it. I want an engine that purrs. But lately everybody is just into ugly cars, with no sophistication, no life of their own, and the angles are honestly offensive. I remember one of the cars from last year somebody let me take out on a joyride with them, up to the smell of the interior. It was enviable; the softest of leather, silver detailings and the ride was one of the smoothest I’d ever taken. And as for what to wear? I think that’s an even tougher decision. Of course, it says casual but I really want to outdo everybody, ha, I guess it’s just in my nature to, which is silly, I know. I have a beautiful new blouse that is almost see through; it’ll have me looking like a beautiful half-done piece of glass from Moderna, with swirls of this burnt orange and red that when in the sun, catches the glimmer. .I’ve become so obsessed lately with my hair too, which means I’m in need for a cut sometime soon. Long hair is making its way back but for this outfit I think I’ll pull my hair all the way back. I want to show off this facial as much as I can because by god, it was expensive. I remember how my mother would cut my hair into this disastrous bob every now and then, and I still cringe at the thought. I wish I could grow out my bangs, but that is going to take ages. As far as the rest of the day goes, I think I’ll first take a bike ride. The weather is beautiful and I just fixed the wheels so why not? I found a little path the other day that seperates between these two huge trees I’m surprised I’ve never seen before. I don’t see as many bikers around lately. That is something I’ll gladly accept, a road packed with slowpokes.

Meena Jehan